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Writer's picture: Heather PepeHeather Pepe


Not only were these Beauties blessed with amazing talent & incredible voices but the style that they created will go down as one of the most #glamorous & #influential in beauty references... Lets start with THE HAiR! hair dressing at its finest! big beehives & bubble flips or voluminous coiffed shapes with bangs. one can only imagine how much time, dedication and hairspray went into creating such polished looks.

We must remember the 60’s was a time before the luxury of traveling on the road with a personal hair&makeup artists, so these women were responsible for creating their own hair and makeup for most of their early careers.

Now for THE MAKEUP! Lips were frosted and pale, to assure minimal distraction from the focus of this look, the eyes. it’s ALL ABOUT THE EYES with these ladies! winged liner in a variety of shapes and thickness are exaggerated & often reminiscent of the exotic styles of ancient egypt, topped off with lots of lashes...the thicker the 69 ’#DianaRoss&theSupremes lashes are worn on top and bottom in a long fluffy style; a trend that stayed through into the next decade, the disco era.

#theRonettessignature LOOK was EVERYTHiNG! most notably the clear inspiration for #AmyWinehouse(Amy’s version was slightly exaggerated & often very disheveled).

When asked about the original inspiration for such an icon look, Ronnie Spector from The Ronettes told Vogue Magazine;

”We lived in Spanish Harlem, and we’d look out the window; I’d see the Spanish girls, and the Puerto Rican girls, and the black girls, and that was the look I wanted! I wanted to look street and tough, because I wasn’t, and neither were the other Ronettes!... I’d see these girls with their eyeliner and teased hair, and the black girls—the way they walked and held their cigarettes. It was like, ‘Wow, that’s what I want to look like!’ “

I loved this quote because it’s a great example of the significance of street style... it always seems to inspires pop culture, beauty & even fashion throughout history...

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